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Horoscope for the week of 2.8 - 2.14 || individualist collective

Hello beloveds! I hope you're having a wonderful week so far. I made some updates to my Patreon page, where the highest tier of $22.22 comes with a monthly transit report, sent to your inbox! Check that out if that's something you're interested in. I'll also be starting a weekly donation based breathwork class, so if that's something that you have interest in, let me know in the comments below!

Also, I have created an energetic clearing for finances and abundance for only $3 ~ you can access that here:

To recap from this past week, in our own personal lives we really saw the sobering moment of Venus coming together with Saturn ~ which really brought a lot of things into question in our personal relationships. Since Venus has to do with our values, and Aquarius has to do largely with the relationships in our lives, our friendships, those kinds of things ~ it kinda seems like there's a lot of looking at our relationships, the foundations of them, how they line up with our value system, which is becoming increasingly more important as the movie continues. Saturn is really calling us to make the tough choices in our lives around all of these different kinds of things.

Additionally, with Uranus in Taurus squaring Venus this weekend, and the growing square from Saturn in Aquarius to Uranus, it is about us making those tough changes that we may feel resistant to initially. This is in essence the pressure cooker that crystallizes some.

On Monday, the Sun in Aquarius conjuncts Mercury in Aquarius for some brilliant ideas, flashes of inspiration and knowing ~ this is where our innovative and inventive side really comes out. This is great for gathering together however you feel comfortable and having deep conversations, with care as Mercury is still in a retrograde station until February 20th. The moon will move into Capricorn which over the next 2.5 days will have us focused on our stability and our resources, where we're advancing and building in our lives and where we may feel stuck as far as that's concerned as we move more and more towards an uncertain Aquarian future.

Tuesday is an interesting aspect where Saturn in Aquarius sextiles Chiron in Aries. Chiron in Aries is certainly taking the poopoo out of individualism, so this really serves as an opportunity to sense and to see that unless we are whole, healed, integrated and purified individuals with a strong and solid sense of self, what good are we actually to the collective?

Wednesday is interesting because Mercury is being highlighted quite intensely in aspect. Mercury is our mind, our thoughts, the way that we go about communicating, and in a retrograde station we may have the desire more to be a little bit more quiet, more receptive, more inward ~ tuning in more to the imaginative aspect of Mercury over the logical aspect. I invite you to be very receptive to ideas and to your own inner genius that comes in because Mercury in Aquarius in a retrograde station is making a trine aspect to the North Node in Gemini. This reality and the nature of our lives and our souls/spirits is unveiling itself to many people & I think this could be some flash of truth both inside and outside, in your environment.

The ensnarement on Wednesday is going to be arguing with others, being stubborn and rigid in the way that things have been, maybe also imposing your perspective onto another. I say this because Mercury in Aquarius (retrograde) is going to be squaring Mars in Taurus which is where we can tend to see arguments, value system disagreements, perhaps some car troubles and some moods that are inflammatory, so I think if you spend Wednesday with your intention to be receptive, this is awesome ~ and maybe also a good day to physically move to help work out some of the Mercury-Mars restlessness/irritability.

Also on Wednesday, the moon moves into Aquarius in preparation for Thursdays new moon in Aquarius! The new moon will be exact very close to Mercury, Venus and Jupiter, which is brilliant because this really allows us to access a lot. Jupiter in Aquarius is all about our authentic community, about serving others, inclusivity ~ Venus in Aquarius is about our values and figuring out how that fits in with the collective consciousness ~ Mercury retrograde in Aquarius is having us reconsidering our relationship to technology and maybe also digging inside of the imaginative side of our brain so that we can really begin to innovate and create from here what we desire to see in the world around us.

This new moon offers us the opportunity to draw deeply within ourselves, wouldn't surprise me if dreams were *very* interesting and I'd HIGHLY recommend not sleeping cuddled up to your iPhones for this week as a result of that. We may receive some interesting news about interdimensionals/extraterrestrials either personally or collectively ~ and this just really gives us a glimpse into the ancient future we are moving into. Very exciting day ~ I think it will allow us some space for our creative genius to come out ~ and opportunities to come together throughout this Aquarius season are abundant in nature.

I don't necessarily recommend manifesting with the moon or exchanging energy with the moon ~ but you can set your own intentions for yourself inside of your own safe container that you create..

Thursday Venus will conjunct Jupiter which is a beautiful aspect for whatever house you have Aquarius in in your natal chart ~ I really think that this could be something beneficial coming towards the collective and individuals ~ energetic updates and activations, prosperity, these types of things ~ especially if we're looking for it. Enjoy this day because I think when Saturn squares Uranus on February 17th we'll be happy we grabbed the gift.

Friday the moon moves into Pisces which is where we get to really see what we realized, or had an a-ha moment around on Thursday, and we can really expand on that with our imaginative and creative potentials. When the moon moves into Aries late Sunday night, this is where we can really begin to ACT on those ideas we had, realizations inner and outer. Word of "warning" for empaths ~ we can definitely feel other people's emotions and energy and have a lot of parallel time bleedthrough ~ we can be more open to feeling and experiencing the collective processing as our own ~ so be sure to put up your energetic hygiene especially on Saturday when the moon will conjoin with Neptune.

On Saturday, Mercury retrograde conjuncts Venus in Aquarius ~ this is a lovely time to come together with others, to experience resonance in your relationships, to let those that you love know that you love them and to work together with people on things ~ even though Mercury is technically in a retrograde station, this can really provide for healing breakthroughs within our relationships and communications which is lovely! Definitely something we'll take more of ; )

Mars in Taurus will be sextiling Neptune in Pisces as well on Saturday which provides a lovely opportunity for healing to our physical body, our action. Any and all transits to Neptune can amplify felt effects of escapism, projection ~ so just be aware!

Sunday Mercury conjuncts Jupiter in Aquarius ~ this is also a great time to get together with people, however you feel comfortable, in whatever capacity you can. These conjunctions all week to Jupiter do have us feeling a bit more social than normal, a bit more progressive and daring.

This energy is really good again for communication and collaboration and generating ideas ~ though, not so good for keeping track of details but ideally whoever is reading this doesn't have to do too much of that on Sunday. Late in the evening, the moon will move into Aries which will allow us to act on all that we have discovered about ourselves and about our world during the week. : )

Enjoy your week! If you need access to a sliding scale session, let me know <3

Lots of love, M

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