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Horoscope for the week of 2.7 - 2.13 || contracts made, contracts broken

Hello all! I hope that you are having a great start to your Moon-day. :)

The new moon in Aquarius last week in a conjunction to Saturn was extremely clarifying and also brought up some unexpected things with the square to Uranus... sort of a play on the Saturn-Uranus square that's been going on for the last year as we just headed into 2021. Pretty intense stuff! This has been the contrast between our value system and the ice cold, authoritarian reflections from our world... our desire to grow spiritually and technologically... the changes that we don't always want, frankly ~ and how do we adapt to that? We have shown either our resilience or anti-resilience I believe at this point... now that Jupiter in Pisces has commenced a lot of people are getting energetic and even physical "kick-backs" for what they demonstrated.

The Sun-Saturn square came to follow the new moon in Aquarius... and this was likely a time where it became clear what to commit to, the realizations that we were having... was very sobering but healthy, necessary for some. I feel that Jupiter in Pisces is getting a lot of people deeply into their optimism, which could be good honestly... and also I think Saturn needed to come check us really quickly so we didn't get ahead of ourselves. :)

The Mars-Chiron square made for a pretty painful, vulnerable and uncomfortable weekend where we are hyper-aware of what is wrong... this energy does continue into the week ahead but by the end of the week it should be out of phase. Really good to continue to be aware that you're not acting from a space of your hurt inner selves.

Monday (today) the moon is in Taurus ~ normally very grounded, but since Uranus and the North Node are in Taurus we have these surprising, fated moments every time we go through this moon sign until July 18th of 2023... and Taurus has to do with our prosperity and sense of wealth/opulence or not, in addition to what and who we really value, what brings us home to this earth that we live on, what keeps us grounded, what nourishes us. The trine from Mars in Capricorn to Uranus in Taurus is exact on Tuesday, February 8th, but still can be felt as a surprise action taken or like acting on our future selves behalf is the phrase that comes to me around this with the moon involved.

Later on Monday evening, the moon in Taurus makes a square to Saturn... so in a sense we can see how things have shifted in our worlds since the new moon in Aquarius last week. I personally did a ritual for the new moon... and the potency in ritual these days is off the absolute chain so I just have to remind myself and you to reconnect with the sacred at least every day. This is what the North Node and Jupiter have been bringing me... the need to express my magic in a very tangible way and it's glorious. I do think that in this time we are reminded that the wants, wishes and needs of the natural universe extend beyond the wants, wishes and needs of cults and matrices. Saturn squaring the moon from this space can kinda feel like we're not doing enough... but Thursday when the moon moves in Gemini that feeling begins to move as we're able to be a bit more productive.

On Tuesday, Mars in Capricorn forming a trine aspect to Uranus in Taurus... is reflecting a need to do things completely out of the norm, go wholly unconventional. Mars in Capricorn is really thinking about the future in a way that is super practical... and just being inside the energy of an exalted Mars feels *so* good to me, like we're able to act more on our own behalf... which is always welcome. I just feel like Uranus in Taurus is bringing in soul family for people... unfortunately not always in the physical, but sometimes... sometimes in the virtual space, sometimes in the etheric space, in dream time. This sense of like-minded people finding each other is very strong at least in my gold-pilled universe.

Wednesday, the moon moves into Gemini and we're going to have a bit more heady, productive... restless, perhaps a bit chaotic energy. It's highly possible for this energy to be quite anxious, or doing too much at once. This moon makes a trine to the Sun and these Gemini and Aquarius energies make for good social type energy and collaboration. :)

Friday is the exact Mercury-Pluto conjunction since Mercury went retrograde from January 14th until February 3rd. Mercury has been around Pluto this whole time, which has been drawing up feelings of intensity, existentialism, concern over our future... and I've been saying for the last month about this aspect that it has the energy of contracts made, contracts broken. This is one of those times where you may want to have a conversation about something, where the dam breaks so-to-speak... especially following our intuition and our deeper pangs I think will yield the most fruitful energy during this time... this aspect likely will be also felt strongly Thursday & Saturday but because Mercury moves quickly I'd say by early next week we'll be well into the new world that stemmed from us speaking our truth and having our breakthrough.

On Saturday, Mercury in Capricorn makes a trine to the North Node in Taurus... which is really interesting because... this is the first of many of this aspect, as Venus and Mars both are in Capricorn and have to pass through this trine to the Nodes. So arguably, this is the first wave of a minor story arc that is developing in our lives where we're really wanting to make changes to our physical reality, I think of this as getting helpful assistance from people or "guides" in a very practical way.

The moon moves into Cancer where we are gearing up for this *extremely* charged full moon which I will be writing about for my substack for each sign in depth... so for some people, their emotions inform them of what they should or shouldn't do and I think for those people... your feelings will be telling you everything that you need to know before the moon moves into Leo and into its fullest capacity on February 16th. The moon in Cancer may have us feeling quite inward & emotionally charged this weekend and preferring comfort over spontaneity.

The Pluto return is still happening on February 22nd... so I'm aware that this month there could be some crazy chaos. I'm going to do a talk about this and the greater implications of materialism and the need to have personal responsibility to really yolk this Jupiter in Pisces for my subscribers over there as well... with talks of what I'm personally doing with my money and my own individual spiritual and physical preparedness. <3

Enjoy your week


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