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New moon in Gemini reading for all the signs!

This new moon in Gemini on Thursday will be a period of heightened energy. I mentioned in an earlier blog post how every so often there's a nexus of powerful energy or a concentrated dose of truth abuzz, and Thursday is definitely one of those days. This new moon in Gemini is going to be us finally coming out with everything we've been sitting on in Taurus season.

Taurus season is about reflecting upon our values and feeling inwardly about what we seek to create for ourselves and what we want to attract or repel, and now we're about to need to regurgitate it all out on this new moon. Gemini is extremely conversational and needs to vocalize and express in order to be able to get its thoughts together. The amount of thoughts is something the Gemini archetype really contends with and it has a hard time containing all of that mental energy and sitting still. I think it's appropriate during every astrological transit to cultivate a bit of the opposite of the traits of the sign while dealing with the stuffs of that sign. This to me with this new moon in Gemini looks like sitting still long enough to come to grips on what it is you want to express and then purposefully, deliberately putting it out there (as Mercury in Taurus is still gently encouraging us to get congruent before we open our mouths).

This new moon day has some very interesting things going on. Venus in Aries is making a square aspect to Pluto in Capricorn, which is really urging us to get rid of the old patterns we have in relationships specifically that aren't really for our highest good. This includes messages we've internalized from living that put us out of touch with the cosmic connectedness and love that is right there for you if you choose to unlock it. This looks like radical love and acceptance and with the North Node in Leo, we are being called to show up in our most heart-centered form. These old anxious ways of showing up in relationships that don't place any trust in the hands of another and also not looking out for yourself out of self-love are going to be what holds you back from experiencing divine love. This new moon day is a day to release all of that stuff so you can open up to what the universe really has in store for you.

If you'd like a detailed, personal and private reading from me, e-mail me at Check out your rising first, then sun then moon signs.


-This new moon is going to be drawing a lot of focus to the area of your thoughts, moment to moment. You have to ask yourself if what you're feeding your brain in the form of thoughts is beneficial for you. That tape that runs, believe it or not, can very much affirm the direction that your life takes. Maybe take the time to evaluate what you want to create more of and spend time deliberately thinking in that direction. The North Node is in the part of the sky for you that represents creative self-expression, so you'll want to really pour your heart and soul into being creative and letting yourself be a little romantic and playful, being careful to use protection if you don't want little babies running around. Venus in your house of identity and your personality is making a square to Pluto in your house of career, so perhaps you feel like you want to change jobs or that you're realizing that you aren't doing what you really want and you're figuring out what you have to do to change your circumstances.

- The tarot card I pulled for Aries is the Sun card, which is of the major arcana, meaning this is a time of deep inner change. This new moon is going to really cast some brightness onto you and will assure you that things are going to turn around and begin to go in a majorly positive direction. This could be the resolving of certain health problems and an indication that fun and joy (related to the North Node in Leo for you) are on its way and that you should absolutely be receptive to the like.

- The Energy Oracle card I pulled for Aries is the Angel of Balance card:

"This loving presence holds a pitcher of liquid light in front of the pyramids, reminding you that a strong destiny relies on a solid foundation of personal balance and emotional equanimity. Although things may have been out of sync in the past, this card is telling you that a greater equilibrium is now coming to your life. Remain conscious about how you are balancing your goals and your physical and emotional energy as well. Whenever you feel yourself getting off center or losing focus, call upon this beautiful angel and bring her intention into your heart center. Your intuition will lead you into the right direction, and the angel will guide you to a peaceful and centered approach."

Affirmation: "I live a balanced and centered life. As I care for myself, the Universe cares for me also."


- This new moon is going to be highlighting a part of the sky for you that has to deal with personal finance, but also value and self-esteem. This is a really strong transit for you to do some affirmations, affirming out loud to the universe what you are and what you are not, what you will accept and what you will not. This is practically a really good time for doing some budgeting and looking at the state of abundance you could create in the long-term. The North Node right now is in a part of your chart that represents your conscious emotional experiences and the more private part of your heart. The goal for Taurus is to let that shine outwardly a little bit instead of saving all of the Leo light for themselves. Venus in Aries will be squaring Pluto, which for you could lead to some discrepancies between your belief systems and your connection to spirituality and everything that is unseen. Lots of people have been waking up, realizing that there is more to life than what seems to be, and Taurus may have to get around some skepticism involving that or may have to release some old, faulty belief systems that benefit you discovering yourself spiritually.

- The tarot card I've chosen for Taurus people is the four of disks, the Power card. There has surely been some hard work for Taurus people in the past few months and this shows that it leads to a very fruitful reward in the material and professional sense. There's some serious stability that can be taken in when this card comes up and also may indicate that in order for your abundance to continue to grow, it's a good idea to release the outcome a little bit and keep less of an eye on the minute development of your money, constantly affirming abundance.


- This new moon is lighting up the part of the sky for you that has to do with who you are. This is about your identity and what forms you and shapes you into what you are now. You can expect a few changes or developments to come to the surface that impacts your understanding of yourself. We are all multidimensional, so this could be the addition or subtraction of a dimension of yourself. The North Node in Leo is in a part of the sky for you that has do to with your immediate environment, your curiosity and your thoughts. It also has to do with doing some more learning of things that you can turn into skills and then show to the world. This place is naturally related to Gemini, so strengthening and refining your identity will really aid you in what you present to others. On this new moon day, Venus will be in a part of the sky for you that represents community and friends, while Pluto is in a part of the sky for you that represents that deep, internal place. You may have been feeling more introverted or selective with the company you keep because you realize that there's a lesser quantity of people that you can show the depth of your soul. Those soul bonds sometimes are all you need.


- This new moon is happening in a part of the sky for you that represents the unconscious mind. Your spiritual connection will come to the forefront on this special new moon day. Resist the urge to intellectualize your experiences and allow the universe to show you what you need to know. These spiritual experiences will affirm your worth as the North Node in Leo is forcing you to realize your self-worth and shine brightly, which will positively impact your financial situation. Things have to come through our unconscious mind, be assimilated in our bodies and then manifest into the world, and this new moon will help you with that. Venus will be in a part of the sky for you that represents your career and your public profile, while Pluto is going to be in a part of the chart for you that represents your relationships. You are on a long cycle of severing the connections that aren't healthy for you and don't allow you to exist exactly has you are which is causing you to think more about you deserve on a career platform or on a monetary level. You are worth what you believe on all levels.


- This new moon is happening in a part of the sky for you that represents your community and your network. This would be a great time to reflect on your friendships to see if they're working for you. Great friendships are all about give and take and Leo's love to give, so it's a good idea now to make sure all of your friendships are reciprocal. The North Node is moving through your sign so it is very important that you focus on you and your development right now- half-ass friends can tend to get in the way of that. Venus in Aries will be lighting up a part of the sky for you that has to do with your spiritual and philosophical beliefs, while Pluto in Capricorn is burning down the way you experience every day life and is causing a change in your health routine or maybe a short-term job change. Just know that your beliefs heavily impact your lifestyle and vice versa - they can serve to really help each other or harm each other.

Virgo -

This new moon cycle is going to be highlighting the part of your chart that represents your career and your public profile. You may have been sitting on a new idea or career inspiration and now is the time to give birth to it - the big reveal. You may be hoping also that a new career opportunity is on its way, in which case this is a very positive time to write down your terms and conditions. This is a list of what you will and will not accept from jobs and careers.

The North Node in Leo is going to be lighting up a part of the sky for you that represents your connection to spirituality, the other side and transcendence from the physical body. This isn't necessarily comfortable as Virgo tends to want to stay in reality for the most part, but it's important that even you get in touch with that deeper spiritual part of yourself that is connected to everything and everyone else. Venus will be in the part of the sky for you that represents sex, death and metaphysical experiences as well as things that happen unexpectedly or buried feelings that come to the surface, while Pluto will be lighting up the place that represents creative and sexual expression, romance and children. I would say that this for you is a particularly fertile aspect so I would be careful and use protections if you don't want babies. This also may surface as an urge from deep inside of you that needs to be expressed in some way. Ride it out, just be safe.


- This new moon is happening in a part of the sky for you that represents your beliefs, philosophical and spiritual, as well as higher learning and travel. You may be contemplating going back to school or maybe finding your way back to some spiritual center. The North Node is in a part of the sky for you that represents community, friendships and your network. Right now is a great time to really advocate for those around you and to let your voice be heard. I've never met a Libra that wasn't incredibly passionate about creating social change, so now is a great time for that. Venus is going to lighting up a part of the sky for you that represents partnerships, marriage or just one-on-one relationships of all kinds - romantic and otherwise. This place also represents open enemies. Pluto is in the part of your chart that represents your very subjective emotional experiences as well as the most private internal place. This means that you have to really show yourself in the relationship you're in or show yourself to someone new if it is safe to do so. Let go of any fear to yield the best results.


This new moon is going to affect the part of your chart that is heavily connected to who you are- the subconscious mind, the metaphysical realm, sex, death/rebirth- so this is going to be a time where deeper feelings are surfacing. Are you going to meet yourself with kindness and compassion during this deep time or are you going to punish yourself for transformation? The North Node in Leo is highlighting your career center so now is a really good time to take what's been going on beneath the surface and shine it outward like the sun. Venus in Aries in your house of lifestyle and career adversely affecting Pluto in the part of your chart that represents communication means you need to get congruent really quickly on your thoughts and communication and how you're spending your time on a daily basis.


This new moon is going to unlock the part of your chart that has to do with partnerships and relationships. This new moon comes with potential for real love, maybe that is something you are open to now. Shed your exterior and show your current or prospective partner who you are if it is safe to do so. The North Node in Leo is highlighting a part of your chart that has to do with your spiritual vision and belief system, so spend time trying to access the divine and wandering to meet someone or to grow your relationship. Venus in Aries in the part of the sky for you that represents creative and sexual self-expression will be adversely affecting Pluto in Capricorn in your house of personal finance and value, so holding yourself in the highest light while you navigate the relationship and intimate sphere will give you strength to show up as your best self.


This new moon in Gemini is happening in a part of the chart for you that represents your lifestyle. Perhaps this is saying goodbye to a habit or thought form that no longer serves you or implementing a new way of nourishing or healing yourself. Meditate on the ways you can take care of yourself and how you can learn about health this Gemini season. The North Node in Leo is happening in your house of sex and death/rebirth and other peoples stuff. This is a time to let other people help you, to merge souls with another, to really find deep intimacy and shine your light on the untouched part of someone. Venus in Aries is going to be in your house of home, family and the subjective emotional experience adversely aspected by Pluto in Capricorn in your house of identity. You are literally letting go of parts of yourself that are of past programming, releasing it to the earth so that something deeply spiritual and new can take its place. Allow, allow, allow.


This new moon is happening in the part of the sky that for you represents creative and sexual expression, romance, drama and children. This is a time where it is best that you connect to your inner child. Play and have fun, connect to joy. The North Node in Leo is going to be gently encouraging you to pursue love and to connect with other people, dropping all the way into your heart and opening yourself up. Venus in Aries in your house of thoughts, courage and communication is going to be adversely aspected by Pluto in the house of your unconscious mind. See where your thoughts could use some reprogramming. If you're communicating and thinking on autopilot and not concerned with co-creating your life, Pluto will let you know. "You can run on for a long time but god is gonna cut you down."


This new moon is going to be lighting up a part of the sky for you that represents home, family and the subjective emotional experience. Definitely look for outlets in the form of connection, creativity and spirituality to keep you from indulging too much in your feels only to want to escape from them. The North Node in Leo is lighting up a part of the sky for you that represents your lifestyle and daily life experiences, so this could be a time to come up with your own brand or business. This is also a time to watch your sensitivity and focus on getting enough food and rest. Venus in Aries is going to be unlocking your house of personal finance, value and self-worth, adversely affected by Pluto which is trying to eliminate friendships and community relationships that aren't of your highest good. Letting go of fair weather friends will mean more time and energy to create for yourself.

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