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Pisces February 2017 Horoscope

Early in the month, it is a good time to look at your darkness. Are there things that you are trying to suppress? Feelings, thoughts, emotions, beliefs… I am a firm believer that if you don’t take the time to clear out some of these patterns and darkness that they will bubble over, especially for an emotional, sweet and sensitive sign like a Pisces. Jupiter has been illuminating this area of unconscious buried stuffs for the past several months now and will be stationing retrograde on February 6th. This is a great time to do some writing, to talk to the people that you love and to maybe get some kind of counseling that works for you to determine how you can make things a little brighter and open up a little bit more circulation in that area.

On February 3rd, Venus moves into the sign of Aries in the part of the sky for you that represents money, value and self-esteem. There could be a few bonuses or financial windfalls that come your way during this time that make you feel much better about yourself than you have been. A lot of those financial boosts will have to do with your trust in the universe and whether or not you believe you’ll have what you need when you need it.

On February 7th, Mercury joins the Sun in the sign of Aquarius, lighting up the part of the sky for you that represents isolation and refuge in your unconscious mind, maybe also indicating patterns of escapism. This is going to be a time for you where you’ll feel more introverted than usual or the circumstances that surround you will just seem to be less community-oriented, and that’s okay. This is a time for you to do enough reflection that you end up healing a major part of yourself, especially before the new moon in your sign on the 26th.

On February 10th, there will be an amazing full moon lunar eclipse with the Sun in Aquarius and the moon in Leo. This will be a time to ask yourself if your unconscious patterns or blockages are leaking into your daily life – at work, at the gym, wherever. It’s really good to clear some of these energetic blockages by practicing meditation or getting energy work done by a trusted professional. After that, you may find that you are continually more able to take on your daily life.

On February 18th, the Sun moves into the sign of Pisces, followed by Mercury on the 25th. This will light up a lot of self-inquiry and development for you. You will be able to see things very clearly in how they relate to your identity and the you that others receive. You will know instinctively what you have to move past, and this will come up just before the new moon in Pisces.

On February 26th, that new moon is taking place in your sign along with the Sun, Mercury, Neptune, Chiron and the South Node. All of these observations your conscious mind has become aware of about your identity and your ego-Self versus your higher Self will be at an all-time peak on this day. Shed some of that skin that you don’t need anymore and allow this day to be spent in an internal reflection, even just for 30 minutes.

Later in the month, Mars is making a connection to Uranus in the part of the sky that represents money, value and possessions. Venus is here, so this is where your trust in the universe and your surrendering allows for money to come. This is the manifestation point. Make sure early on that you are reciting your affirmations and visualizing what you want as if it has already been yours. That will allow the Mars-Uranus connection to lay it all at your feet. You deserve it. Undercut any negative thought patterns that may prevent you from having the life you want.

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